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The Amazing Benefits of Meditation

Many people are turning to the ancient practice of meditation for relief from stress and the amazing health benefits. In fact, some health professionals are prescribing meditation to help their patients deal with stress related illnesses such as, depression, anxiety, trauma and insomnia. If that were not enough, there is now scientific evidence that meditation can slow down the aging of your brain and make you smarter!

According to a Psychology Today article “In a recent UCLA study, researchers used (MRI’s) to scan the brains of a group of subjects who were long-time meditators. They found that these individuals’ brains were larger than their non-meditating counterparts. Another study found that aging people who meditate regularly don’t lose their gray matter as fast as non-meditators. Imagine the implications of these discoveries! Not only can meditation prevent brain cells from dying, which typically happens as we age, it can boost a person’s brain size in several crucial regions. Furthermore, researchers have concluded that meditation can actually make a person more intelligent.”

Some of the many benefits of meditation:

  • Reduces anxiety
  • Increases self confidence.
  • Boosts serotonin ( low levels of serotonin are associated with depression and insomnia
  • Increases energy
  • Helps to normalizes blood pressure
  • Reduces stress
  • Increases feelings of joy and happiness
  • Creates a state of deep relaxation
  • Increases concentration
  • Easy to learn and costs nothing
  • Can be practiced anytime anywhere
  • Absolutely no negative side effects

If you start to make meditation a regular practice, you will find that you can deal with the daily stresses of life much easier. You will start to feel calm, peaceful and more in control of your life. Also, while making meditation a daily routine is important, you don’t need to practice for hours to get the amazing health benefits of meditation! Even ten minutes of meditation a day will help alleviate stress. To get even more benefits, try to increase your time to at least 15-20 minutes daily.

As a wellness provider and soul coach, I can assist you to move from where you are to where you want to be. Usually this involves resolving issues and/or fears from the PAST or about the FUTURE. I help you become fully present NOW so you always are in the right place at the right time following your bliss.
To schedule a FREE 30 minute consultation click here


*These statements and suggested products have not been evaluated by Health Canada or the Food and Drug Administration. This blog post is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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