When you know your divine gifts and why you are here you gain confidence in all that you say and do. What Does it Mean to be C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T? Confidence comes from feelings of well-being, acceptance of your body and mind (self-esteem), and belief in your own ability, skills and experience. People who are confident shareRead More
Category: Articles and News
Do you sometimes feel that there is a continuous conversation going on in your head, and that a lot of your precious time and energy is wasted on unimportant thoughts that may or may not happen? And to make matters worse, the conversation seems to start from the moment you wake up until you goRead More
Many people are turning to the ancient practice of meditation for relief from stress and the amazing health benefits. In fact, some health professionals are prescribing meditation to help their patients deal with stress related illnesses such as, depression, anxiety, trauma and insomnia. If that were not enough, there is now scientific evidence that meditationRead More